Life Lesson 1

Have you ever went through life thinking there has to be more to it than this? There has to be more than just working, paying bills and basically just getting by. Life is about the journey more than it is the destination. You will eventually get to where you are meant to be but the paths you choose to get there are what makes us who we are.

We all go through life looking for our purpose. We want to find the meaning to life, the reason we were placed upon this earth. Sometimes we find it, sometimes we don't but either way we go through this journey looking for the destination. Thing happen along the way that will make us start to question everything, such as why did this happen or why won't this happen? Everything happens for a reason even though sometimes we may not ever discover what the reason is. The event nevertheless will shape and mold you as a person. It can either make or break you or sometimes even both. Have you ever been pushed to such a limit that you broke only to come back stronger than ever? Life will never give you more than you can handle but it may feel like the whole world is crashing down around you. Take a deep breath and live one moment at a time. The world has many great things to see and to feel so try to look outside of the box and see the bigger picture than just the curves that lie before you. Look for the finish line.

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Nicole Jackson
4 years ago

I really love this one. It speaks from the heart and I totally resonate with this in a deeper level. This is how I felt at the beginning of my journey. Well said.

Michelle Chrisner
4 years ago

Life lessons... everyone sure needs guidance in todays world. Thanks for the inspiration.