Life Lesson 20

Why are we who we are? Have you ever tried to be someone else? Like make a whole new persona that you wanted to be? No matter how hard we may try we can't escape who we truly are. The person that we were created to be. We can be a better version of ourselves but nevertheless we will always be who we are. A lot of people try to escape reality but being someone they aren't and it's not exactly a lie as it is more of a dream like state. A fantasy realm so to speak. Many people will create their own little worlds so that they can escape from the troubles in their lives. It's more or less a coping mechanism for many people. Most people have different versions of themselves depending who they are around. For instance you may act differently in front of your friends that your family or in front of strangers or people you just don't know that well. Sometimes it may take awhile for you to be comfortable to show you true self. Whether it be your likes or dislikes or something as simple as being able to talk at all to someone. 

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Life Lesson 19

Sleep??? What is this sleep that people talk about? Have you ever sat and wondered how some people can just go to bed and straight to sleep? How is it that some people can do such a thing with no trouble at all? These questions will always be a mystery to those who either can't go to sleep when they go to bed or those who can't never seen to stay asleep throughout the night. Sometimes our mind are so wound up that they constantly run whether we want them to or not. Yes, there are medications that one can take to help with such issues but there are many times in which even that doesn't seem to work. Sometimes a sleep problem can be caused by other medications. stress. anxiety, etc. We may never find the cause behind our sleep issues no matter how much we try.

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Life Lesson 18

Ever think about how mystical our world is? We sit here looking into the vast unknown wondering if there is more than just us out here. There are so many factors that surround our lives that sometimes we forget the world is much bigger than the problems we may be facing in this moment. We may feel like our worlds are crashing down around us while everything around us runs as smooth as a train on track. We often forget to look at the outside picture, look ahead and see where the road is leading us. We get so stuck in the now that we don't realize this storm won't last forever. We have to learn how to expand our vision to see the rainbow in the horizon.

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Life lesson 17

Sometimes in life we find ourselves in a situation where we have to learn what's more important yourself or the people you love? I know in some cases it can be hard to decide but in the average situation we have to learn to put our needs to the side and focus on what is important. Now don't get me wrong making yourself happy and doing what you need to are not bad things. What I am talking about is for instance if you have children or a family or whatever it may be and you find yourself in a crossroads on whether you do something you want or something that would benefit the ones around you in the long run then we have to sit and weigh the pros and cons of the situation. Don't allow yourself to be walked over or pushed around but I am meaning in a general situation where for instance say you are a single parent and then your kids needs come before yours. Like if they need something that is more important than something that you may not need but may want. We have to do what is best for our family and our situations no matter what other people may say or think about it.

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Life Lesson 16

We come to a point in our life where we get so slammed with so much stuff on our plate that we can't always see the finish line. We struggle so hard to balance and try and accomplish everything that we eventually lose sight of ourselves. Sometimes we need to take a step back and breath and realize that not every little thing needs our attention at that very moment. Sometimes we need a little time to ourselves not because we are selfish but because we are human. As humans we need to recharge and realign our energy so that we can move through our day to day lives. Whether you work from home, work part time, work full time, double shifts or stay at home with family we all deserve to have some time to breath and process everything we deal with every single day.

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Life Lesson 15

Sometimes in life we are thrown so many obstacles that we can't always juggle them easily. At times we hit a point in which we have had enough or we have hit the limit of what we can physically, mentally and even emotionally take. Once we hit this point we often have trouble navigating and processing this stress we have found ourselves under. We can too seldom become walking volcano's just waiting to erupt. We have to learn a way to let out our frustrations without projecting the anger onto the people around us. Sometimes we may need a sounding board, you know someone who we can vent to, let out the frustration to. A person who no matter what will not judge you or get upset at you for blowing of the steam that has built up inside of you for so long. 

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Life Lesson 14

Often in life the say that the road less traveled is the most rewards and in some that may be true but there are time when that road is less traveled for a reason. Maybe it's a dead end, maybe it's a road block, we never know until we try it. Just like with people, sometimes meeting them can be a good thing and sometimes it can be a bad thing. Not everyone you meet will be a good experience for you, sometimes people come into our lives to teach you something, maybe its a pattern you need to break or a path you need to stop going down. Whatever the reason may be even the not so good people we meet in our lifetime can be for a good reason. It's up to us to discern whether or not that person is a blessing or a curse. Trust your intuition when it comes to situations with people for it will guide you through the path of where you should go.

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Life Lesson 13

Not everyone is the same, we were all made different, some short, some tall, some big some small but all in all we were made to be who we are. (Yes, I know I sound like Dr. Seuss lol) But we are all different in our own ways. Even those who are identical there is always some sort of difference. Like a fingerprint or a snowflake we are all unique. No one is perfect but we are perfect in our own ways. We all have flaws and it is important to realize that those flaws make you who you are and finding someone to love you and your flaws is priceless. We all want to be special to someone and one day we will find that feeling, whether in this lifetime or the next.

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Life Lesson 12

Life.....It has its ups and downs but no matter how many hills you have to overcome you can still get to your destination. We as humans strive for more, more money, more power, more success but have you ever wanted more peace, more freedom or more passion? Even as young children we would dream of what we wanted to become whether it was an actress/actor, firefighter, doctor, writer, astronaut or whatever it may have been, some of us kept chasing that dream and some lost sight of it or even lost interest. The only person we as humans can be is who we are, who we were made to be and who we truly are deep down. Some try to change while others just hide their true selves but at some point in time the true you will come out. 

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Life Lesson 11

Life is moving at a pace much like the flow of water, some days it may be slow and others is may be running out of control. No matter what pace your life is moving you need to take a few minutes to breath and clear your mind. I know somedays it can seem impossible but just by taking a mere 30 seconds to take a deep breath can ultimately change your mood as well as the energy around you. Allow yourself to control the flow even if it seems impossible it can be done. Clear your mind and focus on the tasks that need done first. Prioritize each one so that the ones that need done right now get done as opposed to the ones that could wait a few extra minutes. Balance is key to living a stress-free (well less stressful anyways) life. 

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Life Lesson 10

There comes a time in your life where you have to take a step back, re-evaluate the situation and look at it from a different perspective. Sometimes things that seem easy can be hard and what you think would be hard actually come as easy. No matter what the situation is we often need to think outside of the box in order to find a solution. Everything is about perspective, we all look at things differently and at times we can miss a simple answer. There are times when we need an outsiders view to help us see the option that we had overlooked. We sometimes look at the same situation so much that it all starts to blend together and we feel like there is no possible solution, when in fact it's simply right in front of us.Learning how to step back and look at the full picture can be challenging but it can also be very rewarding. We can see things that we may never have seen had we continued focusing on the close up version of the issue. We can't always see what lie around of the curve.

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Life Lesson 9

Have you ever wondered why you are not like everyone else? Why you are different than the peers around you? The answer is simple, you are different. You are unique, you are YOU. People are like snowflakes, no two are alike. We are all made and programmed differently and no matter how hard some people have tried they couldn't be someone they wasn't. We all have things about ourselves that we don't like or that we want to change and that is perfectly fine but we need to learn to accept who we truly are and embrace what makes us different from everyone else. Life is hard enough to deal with at times without doubting ourselves and second guessing who we are. Be true and be you, because in the end that is all we can be. We can try to convert to the image that everyone else tries to be but why be a sheep when you can be an eagle and soar. 

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