Life Lesson 13

Published on 18 September 2021 at 15:31

Not everyone is the same, we were all made different, some short, some tall, some big some small but all in all we were made to be who we are. (Yes, I know I sound like Dr. Seuss lol) But we are all different in our own ways. Even those who are identical there is always some sort of difference. Like a fingerprint or a snowflake we are all unique. No one is perfect but we are perfect in our own ways. We all have flaws and it is important to realize that those flaws make you who you are and finding someone to love you and your flaws is priceless. We all want to be special to someone and one day we will find that feeling, whether in this lifetime or the next.

Don't give up and don't settle for less than you deserve. I know we sometimes get impatient but we must learn that good things come to those who wait and the things shall happen in divine timing. We can't rush or push things to go where we want as fast as we want. If it is meant to be it shall be when the time is right. If not than it simply means it is not your time or it is something that wasn't meant to be for you but that doesn't mean it is the end of the world. Sometimes there are alternatives to your situation so don't think that it could never happen it may just not be in the way you wanted it to be or expected it to be. Sometimes we have to alter our expectations a bit but then your blessings will come. Be open minded and have an open heart and watch as you miracles come to light. 

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