Life Lesson 12

Published on 12 September 2021 at 20:47

Life.....It has its ups and downs but no matter how many hills you have to overcome you can still get to your destination. We as humans strive for more, more money, more power, more success but have you ever wanted more peace, more freedom or more passion? Even as young children we would dream of what we wanted to become whether it was an actress/actor, firefighter, doctor, writer, astronaut or whatever it may have been, some of us kept chasing that dream and some lost sight of it or even lost interest. The only person we as humans can be is who we are, who we were made to be and who we truly are deep down. Some try to change while others just hide their true selves but at some point in time the true you will come out. 

We all need a dream to keep chasing whether you obtain it or not as long as you keep trying you will always strive to do better. Never lose sight of your goals and dreams, they make you who you are. Even if people don't understand them don't let it discourage you from pushing through the obstacles that life throws at you. Learn to play catch with them and either throw them back or keep them as a reminder of what you have overcame. In the end what we choose to pursue and what we choose to give up on will be what we either accomplish or regret. We can do anything that we put our minds to even if sometimes it may not happen there is always a reason why. Just don't let the reason be because you gave up or stopped trying. Keep your head up and don't lose sight of your destination.

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3 years ago

So true I wish I could be more like you in ways