Life Lesson 11

Published on 6 September 2021 at 21:10

Life is moving at a pace much like the flow of water, some days it may be slow and others is may be running out of control. No matter what pace your life is moving you need to take a few minutes to breath and clear your mind. I know somedays it can seem impossible but just by taking a mere 30 seconds to take a deep breath can ultimately change your mood as well as the energy around you. Allow yourself to control the flow even if it seems impossible it can be done. Clear your mind and focus on the tasks that need done first. Prioritize each one so that the ones that need done right now get done as opposed to the ones that could wait a few extra minutes. Balance is key to living a stress-free (well less stressful anyways) life. 

It can be hard to learn how to balance life, especially if you have a lot on your plate. For example if you are a single mother with children and trying to work balance can seem unattainable to say the least but in reality you just haven't found the approach that works right for you. Not everyone is the same and sometimes what works for one won't work for another and vice versa. It's up to us to keep trying until we figure out what does work best for us and our family/situation. Keep trying and don't give up.

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