Life Lesson 10

Published on 31 August 2021 at 20:34

There comes a time in your life where you have to take a step back, re-evaluate the situation and look at it from a different perspective. Sometimes things that seem easy can be hard and what you think would be hard actually come as easy. No matter what the situation is we often need to think outside of the box in order to find a solution. Everything is about perspective, we all look at things differently and at times we can miss a simple answer. There are times when we need an outsiders view to help us see the option that we had overlooked. We sometimes look at the same situation so much that it all starts to blend together and we feel like there is no possible solution, when in fact it's simply right in front of us.Learning how to step back and look at the full picture can be challenging but it can also be very rewarding. We can see things that we may never have seen had we continued focusing on the close up version of the issue. We can't always see what lie around of the curve.

Whether you are dealing with a situation at work or at home or even something that is from your past we can often feel overwhelmed. Learning how to take a deep breath and trying to calmly find a solution can be invigorating to some and frustrating to others. Some people have a hard time dealing with situations that have confrontations and that is very understandable. However, we must face the challenges head on and not bury them because they will not go away on their own. Pushing them aside because we don't want to deal with it is one of the worst things that we can do as humans. Our consciousness will constantly reel on it even if we feel that it has been resolved. If it is still lingering deep down than it means we have not come to fully accept or deal with whatever the situation may be. As a result of hiding these emotions we run the risk of them eventually erupting like an unstoppable volcano. Do yourself a favor and open those door, let those monsters and skeletons out and face them with dignity and full emotions. In the long one your inner self with thank you as will your future self. Stay true to those feelings and accept that as humans we have to deal with such issues and situations whether we want to or not. That is just part of life. Embrace and validate what you feel and let it flow out so that you can deal with it in a healthy manner.

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