Life Lesson 9

Published on 29 August 2021 at 23:58

Have you ever wondered why you are not like everyone else? Why you are different than the peers around you? The answer is simple, you are different. You are unique, you are YOU. People are like snowflakes, no two are alike. We are all made and programmed differently and no matter how hard some people have tried they couldn't be someone they wasn't. We all have things about ourselves that we don't like or that we want to change and that is perfectly fine but we need to learn to accept who we truly are and embrace what makes us different from everyone else. Life is hard enough to deal with at times without doubting ourselves and second guessing who we are. Be true and be you, because in the end that is all we can be. We can try to convert to the image that everyone else tries to be but why be a sheep when you can be an eagle and soar. 

Now is your time to shine, your time to show the world how amazing you are. Walk with confidence, talk with confidence and love with confidence. Look at the world through a different perspective and see the beauty it has to offer. Let your guard down, take that leap, feel deeply and let all the negativity go. Life is about more than just work and money, it is about finding yourself, loving yourself and most importantly being yourself. Once you let your light shine nothing or no one can ever put it out. You are in control of yourself so why not make the best of what you have been given. Always remain humble and kind. Feel from your soul and don't ever let anyone make your heart bitter. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world. Never allow others to make you think otherwise. You are amazing just the way that you are.

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