Life Lesson 14

Published on 4 November 2021 at 09:53

Often in life the say that the road less traveled is the most rewards and in some that may be true but there are time when that road is less traveled for a reason. Maybe it's a dead end, maybe it's a road block, we never know until we try it. Just like with people, sometimes meeting them can be a good thing and sometimes it can be a bad thing. Not everyone you meet will be a good experience for you, sometimes people come into our lives to teach you something, maybe its a pattern you need to break or a path you need to stop going down. Whatever the reason may be even the not so good people we meet in our lifetime can be for a good reason. It's up to us to discern whether or not that person is a blessing or a curse. Trust your intuition when it comes to situations with people for it will guide you through the path of where you should go.

We as humans just want to feel loved and accepted but there are people who will come around that try to destroy that happiness not because they don't like you or want you to be miserable but because they are. Those who try to make your life hell do it because their life is in shambles and it's their way of making themselves feel better. If they see other people struggling it takes their focus off of their own issues. They don't realize that stealing someone else's spark will not revive their own. They need to change what is in themselves instead of trying to suck the life out of those around them. Jealousy will get us every time, it's human nature and even the strongest of people fall short at times. We have to learn how to find the positive in every situation even though sometimes there may be situations in which we have to look a little harder than we had in others. In the end it will all be for a purpose. The good, the bad, the happiness the sorrow, it all has a purpose and a meaning.

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