Life Lesson 15

Published on 4 November 2021 at 19:21

Sometimes in life we are thrown so many obstacles that we can't always juggle them easily. At times we hit a point in which we have had enough or we have hit the limit of what we can physically, mentally and even emotionally take. Once we hit this point we often have trouble navigating and processing this stress we have found ourselves under. We can too seldom become walking volcano's just waiting to erupt. We have to learn a way to let out our frustrations without projecting the anger onto the people around us. Sometimes we may need a sounding board, you know someone who we can vent to, let out the frustration to. A person who no matter what will not judge you or get upset at you for blowing of the steam that has built up inside of you for so long. 

Finding a person like that can be rare, but once you do you will understand how relieving it can be to finally get the issues off of your chest without it exploding in your face. Being able to talk about your stress out loud almost as if you are simply telling yourself about it but having a person who can help you work through it so that you can properly learn how to manage and juggle such inconveniences that life may toss at you. Having this sound board will truly help you navigate life's curves and obstacles so that you may better walk the path that you are on.

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