Life Lesson 19

Published on 16 March 2023 at 00:46

Sleep??? What is this sleep that people talk about? Have you ever sat and wondered how some people can just go to bed and straight to sleep? How is it that some people can do such a thing with no trouble at all? These questions will always be a mystery to those who either can't go to sleep when they go to bed or those who can't never seen to stay asleep throughout the night. Sometimes our mind are so wound up that they constantly run whether we want them to or not. Yes, there are medications that one can take to help with such issues but there are many times in which even that doesn't seem to work. Sometimes a sleep problem can be caused by other medications. stress. anxiety, etc. We may never find the cause behind our sleep issues no matter how much we try.

Many of us sit and ponder ways to help us sleep, a warm bath, hot cup of tea, trying to wear ourselves out and yet nothing seems to work. People always said to try and count sheep but how many times have you been doing that and then your mind bounce to something else and then to something else again and before you know it you have been laying there staring at the ceiling for 4 or more hours. How many have been sound asleep and then suddenly get jolted awake and then just lay there wishing you could go back to sleep? Meditation seems to be something that helps some people. It helps you to shut down your mind which will allow you to get some much needed rest. The biggest issue that a lot of people face is knowing they slept but feeling as if they didn't. Like you mind is rest and your body isn't or vice versa. Some people flip and flop so much in their sleep that they are exhausted in the mornings and others have dreams that exhaust them. Finding ways to help you cope can be difficult but it's not impossible. Keep trying different things until you find one that works for you. I know it can be tiring but in the long run it will benefit you and all those around you.

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