Life Lesson 18

Published on 7 July 2022 at 21:40

Ever think about how mystical our world is? We sit here looking into the vast unknown wondering if there is more than just us out here. There are so many factors that surround our lives that sometimes we forget the world is much bigger than the problems we may be facing in this moment. We may feel like our worlds are crashing down around us while everything around us runs as smooth as a train on track. We often forget to look at the outside picture, look ahead and see where the road is leading us. We get so stuck in the now that we don't realize this storm won't last forever. We have to learn how to expand our vision to see the rainbow in the horizon.

Life may not be going the way you had expected but you should look back and see just how far you have came. You aren't in the same moment you were a year ago or even 5 minutes ago. We are constantly evolving into a better version of ourselves. We have to just keep looking forward to where we are going and not where we were. Think of it this way, you can either sit and wonder what could be or you can get up and head towards who you are meant to be no matter if you run or crawl you will get there. Have faith and believe in yourself.

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