Life lesson 17

Published on 1 July 2022 at 23:14

Sometimes in life we find ourselves in a situation where we have to learn what's more important yourself or the people you love? I know in some cases it can be hard to decide but in the average situation we have to learn to put our needs to the side and focus on what is important. Now don't get me wrong making yourself happy and doing what you need to are not bad things. What I am talking about is for instance if you have children or a family or whatever it may be and you find yourself in a crossroads on whether you do something you want or something that would benefit the ones around you in the long run then we have to sit and weigh the pros and cons of the situation. Don't allow yourself to be walked over or pushed around but I am meaning in a general situation where for instance say you are a single parent and then your kids needs come before yours. Like if they need something that is more important than something that you may not need but may want. We have to do what is best for our family and our situations no matter what other people may say or think about it.

If you have to work harder to give your family the things they need then so be it, if you have to juggle and balance things based on priority than so be it. Don't allow others to determine what should or shouldn't be important to you. Only you know what is the best choice for your situation and your family. Yes, advice can be helpful but that it what it is, simply advice, an opinion. Don't allow people to demand what you do or don't do, use your own judgement and do what you feel is right. You will get backlash from someone regardless of your decisions. We can't please everyone but we should focus on those who need us the most. We have an obligation to the people that we brought into this world. It is our duty to make sure they are well prepared for the future and know what they should be doing as adults. 

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