Life Lesson 7

Published on 20 August 2021 at 15:34

Change is inevitable in life. We all go through some sort of transformation and evolve in some way. Sometimes it is from trauma and other times its a positive growth but no matter the reason we are all destined to change in some way, shape and form. A lot of times we will try to stop change because we are scared of the unknown. No matter how hard we try to avoid it we can not escape fate. We may be able to prolong it for awhile but eventually it will catch up to you and the change will happen whether or not you are ready for it. The only thing we can do is have faith, stay positive and allow it to carry us to where we are going next. 

We are always becoming a better version of ourselves. Sometimes it may seem like we go backwards but we eventually we will get to where we are going no matter how slow the progress is it is still moving forward. Little steps or big leaps it doesn't matter as long as you just don't stand still. Push forward, move towards your destiny. Feel, see and hear everything around you for what may be invisible to some can be radiant to others. Do not lose sight of the horizon for no matter how many mountains and curves are placed in your path you shall to overcome them all. Feel yourself transforming as you shed the old life you once lead and begin your adventure upon you new one. Let the breath of life breath into you.

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