Life Lesson 6

Published on 18 August 2021 at 23:34

We all go through this life looking for someone to spend it with. Some people find it, some don't, some find it and they lose it until the next life but no matter if you find it or not your soul is always seeking something familiar. We all have an energy tracker that is constantly looking for an energy signature that is similar to its own. One that when found our soul goes "Oh there you are." Finding such connections are rare and often never found. Those lucky enough to find it will never fully be able to express the love that they feel because it is always growing deeper and deeper. Loving someone is a choice but it is based on actions and feelings towards that person. Feelings can change and often do but we have the choice to try and make it work or to let it go. Making it work only works if both people are willing to take part in it. Letting go can be hard but it can also be what your soul needs. So determining which one to do can be the hardest choice to make. Follow your instinct, your gut, your soul. Let it lead you to where you are meant to be.

Once you find where you are meant to be nothing can stop you from going to it. Many times people are pulled apart by different circumstances but what is meant to be will always find a way. Loving someone with your soul is much deeper than anything you could ever imagine. Feeling their very being, their drive, their fire, everything can be intoxicating and alluring. If you learn anything in life learn your worth, do not settle for less than your soul deserves. There is someone out there whom will love you with every fiber in their being, who will cherish you for who you truly are and who will never let you go.

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