Life Lesson 5

Published on 17 August 2021 at 00:47

Ever look at all the stars in the night sky and think "Is there more than us out there?" It seems as if we are in our own little bubble here on this earth. Like a speck of dust in the massive universe that surrounds us. Are we really the other ones here? How could we ever know? Question after question will always flood your mind. Wondering what is beyond this world, where we go after we leave here. There are so many theories and opinions that no one really knows what will become of us when our time here is done. All we can do is live the life we have been given to the fullest. 

We are all placed on this earth for a reason. We have each been chosen to be who we are and we have been placed upon this earth to fulfill a destiny. We all go through life stuck inside a little box that we call reality when there is in fact more to the world than the little box we are in. The true reality is that the world is much bigger than just the place we are in. There is more to it than the job we have or the car we drive. The town we live in no matter if it's a big city or a small town is no match for the world that surrounds us. We as humans need to explore what is around us. We need to embrace adventure and break out of our stale routine. Look around you, the flowers, the trees, even the animals. They all explore the world, they all embrace the adventure. Why don't we do the same thing? Step outside the box and take a breath of fresh air. Life awaits those who are open to accept its calling.

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